Covid-19 Guidelines

Updated June 14th 2021
We are excited to share that, effective Monday, June 14th, Lake Worth Animal Hospital will be welcoming clients and their pets back into the building.
We will have modified reopening procedures so that we can continue to keep both our clients and staff safe while providing quality care to your pet(s).
Please take the time to read about our changes and know what to expect in the coming months.
Caring for your
family pet
What you need to know:
- If you are feeling ill or have COVID symptoms, please stay home
- Masks will be required regardless of COVID vaccine status
- The lobby/reception area will remain closed for waiting
- When you arrive, please call from the parking lot for further instructions
- 1 person per appointment allowed in exam room
- We will still offer curbside appointments if preferred
- Technician appointments – we will continue to follow curbside protocols. A technician will come out to your vehicle to get your pet and bring him/her into the hospital for treatment. A technician will return your pet at the conclusion of the appointment.
Doctor’s appointments
When an exam room is available, a technician will come to your vehicle to direct you and your pet directly to the exam room. Please wear a mask. Only one individual will be allowed in the building/exam room with your pet. If you have children with you, we will follow curbside protocol as we are unable to social distance in exam rooms.
Medicine & food pick-up
We will continue to follow curbside protocols. Please call ahead to order medicine and/or food. Supplies that have been paid for will be placed in the foyer for you to pick-up at your convenience.
Thank you for your understanding and continued patience during these transitions. Lake Worth Animal Hospital strives to remain open for your pet’s medical care. We also look forward to the hospital returning to a pre-COVID normal. We will be taking steps in that direction but must implement safety guidelines to do so. We know you will have many questions, so we try to answer them here:
Why do I have to wear a mask if I am fully vaccinated?
We are very aware of the CDC guidelines recently released. However, we cannot assure that all of our clients entering the building are fully vaccinated. If our staff members become ill, we must reduce appointments and refer you elsewhere. Having you wear a mask protects us as we cannot socially distance in our smaller exam rooms.
Why must I wait in the parking lot and not in your lobby?
This is a safety measure put in place to reduce the number of people in the building at any one time. With the volume of patients we see, parking lot waiting is required to continue to maintain social distancing.
Why can’t I bring my whole family to the appointment?
This is a safety measure put in place because we cannot socially distance in our smaller exam rooms.